Plinth protection which is normally known as the veranda is an important aspect of building construction that offers numerous advantages that include:-
- It protects the foundation of the building by preventing damages caused by water and excessive moisture buildup that can cause seepage problems and also protects from infestation of termites and other pests.
2. It increases the lifespan of the building by protecting from erosion caused by water That could erode the foundation overtime.
3. It adds an eye-catching feature if designed properly that makes the building more attractive.
4. It also *improves the residence’s sanitation & hygiene * by not allowing rain water and keeping pollutants away from the living space
5. Lastly ,plinth protection guards the building from accidents by taking the first blow that could stop or reduce the damage of the foundation.
To conclude, check if your building has a plinth protection and make sure it is well maintained * for *safety of the building and generational value.